- Requires .NET 3.5 Framework.
- Better Project Management.
- Improvements in Graph algorithm : Relation lines appear below the classes, Intellisense for relation lines.
- Grid lines in the graph
- Several bug fixes, optimizations.
- Ported to .NET 2.0 Framework.
- Elegant looking UI with Tango Icons.
- Major improvements in drawing algorithm.
- Zero flickering, sub pixel smoothing in the class diagrams.
- Support for grid lines.
- Intellisense for relations... for ex : what is their type.
- Status Bar improvements, better info.
- Better Printing support.
- Bug fix : Lines should appear below classes
- Option : Show IntelliSense Msgs.
- Major Improvements in drawing algo, optimizations done.
- Reduced flickering.
- Other Minor Bug fixes
- The Delete component bug was fixed. (Major Bugfix)
- The Code Generated for a C# or VB.NET will now include NDoc tags.
The important improvements in this release include,
- You can select a relation by right clicking, and you can reverse/edit/delete a relation via the context menu.
- Better UI: CommandBar has been integrated. The menu items now include the icon.
- Code-Generation has seen several improvements, like a visual studio project is created when the code is generated. Also template based code generation is used.
- Code Generators for C#,VB.NET now supports metainfo of property and interface which can be specified to generate property and interfaces.
- Theme support has been added, even though you cannot change the theme via a wizard, the future versions will have this capability and will come with several themes.
- Better docs, generated using doxygen
- Improvements made in reverse engg plugins.
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Integrated with DockPanel suite: Improved GUI.
- Easy to add design patterns: Now you can choose the design patterns from the menu.
- All the 23 design patterns are available.
- Code Generation in VB.NET, improved CodeGeneration in C#
- Provided Print Facility.
- Provided Context Menu for a component. Patterns can be added by directly rightClicking on the component.
- Class Diagram can be directly copied to the clipboard.
- Easy to add a inherited class, thru a context menu. Also the non-private members of the base class are added into the derived class.
- Several Bug fixes
- Several Bug fixes => less crashes :)
- Imporoved Design pattern incorporation facility
- Improved Hoversense message
- Hover Sense message caching...now faster!
- Better Documentation.